Puttur Deanery Catechism Teachers Training was held at Mai De Deus Church Hall Puttur on 14 August 2017 from 10 am to 1.30 pm. The topic discussed was- Children's Liturgy.
Deanery Priest Coordinators Meet
Deanery Priest Coordinators Meeting was organised on 3 August 2017 from 10 am to 12.30 pm at Mangala Jyothi
Sunday Coordinators Training 2017
Sunday Coordinators Training was held at Mangala Jyothi. 63 coordinators participated in the seminar. Fr Ronald Serrao conducted the session on Children's Liturgy.
School Coordinators Training 2017
School Coordinators Training was held at Mangala Jyothi. 77 coordinators participated in the seminar. Fr Ronald Serrao conducted the session on Children's Liturgy. Bishop Aloysius was present for the programme.